Welcome to My Worlds
Where mermaids hide in the ocean depths and ghosts communicate with the living...

Hello! I'm Joie Lesin. Joie for short. I've been a storyteller for as far back as my memory takes me. I grew up spinning elaborate tales for my imaginary friends and later on for my Barbie dolls. Both reading and writing my own stories have been one of the richest parts of my life. I couldn't imagine my life without either.
With this blog, I plan to give readers a glimpse into my creative works, share my upcoming news and talk about the books and writers that have—and continue to inspire me.
I hope you'll embark on this journey with me.
Step on up, take a seat and let's get started...
Extra! Extra! Grab a cuppa and read all about it!

This journey is just beginning
So, please stay tuned as I welcome you into my worlds and explore what inspires me to create them.

Until next time, thank you for travelling this road with me.

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About the Author

Minnesota-based author, Joie Lesin is a life-long fiction writer and the author of The Passenger. She has long been fascinated by anything otherworldly including ghosts. She loves to write a good ghost story—especially when it includes a touch of romance.